So when I first saw the Hasbro Mighty Muggs versions of some of the Star Wars characters, I breathed a little sigh of relief that they were pretty likely to show their cute little faces in Aussieland, because I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to resist them.

Don't know why, but while the Marvel superhero versions of these don't really appeal to me, I can't get enough of the Star Wars line. They're so funny looking they really work. They're made of 100% recycled materials, and everyone that looks at them needs to touch them to see if they're inflated, metal or what. They feel more solid than you expect.

The lines are very clear, colours bright and well applied. They have arm, leg and neck artculation and come with cute accessories in the same inflated-look style.
Definitely an A+++ product, but like I said I don't need another obsession, so Luke and Leia are going to the bookshelves at work, and I'm definitely not buying any more. Really.
That guy that called the shop to ask them to put aside C3PO and Yoda using my voice? Total impersonator.
And the Marvel Mighty Muggs (not featured in your blog article) are equally addicting to collectors.
The most hard core collectors have gathered at the Mighty Mugg Lounge (blog and forum). We're the most obsessive of the lot, even customizing and speculating on the future of the line!
Stop by to share our obsession!
You can also check out the Mighty Muggs Forum at http://www.mightymuggsforum.com - we're only a few weeks old but have been taking off quickly. Lots of great info there and a super friendly community.
MM's are 100% recycled awesome! I was wondering where abouts in Canberra you bought them from and for how much?
I've seen a few Star Wars and Indiana Jones MM at Toys R Us up here in Sydney for $20, and of course I've seen them online, but I've been trying to find Darth Vader and the other marvel MMs in a shop.
Wondering if you know any other info and could point me in the right direction.
Well I got mine from Impact Comics in Canberra, but the best place to look in Oz is Casefresh at http://www.casefresh.com/ - they have the full range. Best of luck!
Thanks Scott for your quick reply!
I'll check it out :D
These little guys are very addicting, Hasbro did well! mightymugg.com has a lot of info. on them
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