Now to August’s Contest: on offer are two great prizes, either the Arkham Asylum Series 2 Poison Ivy figure or the Brightest Day Series 3 Jade figure, both from DC Direct - either of which would be a great prize!
A few bits and pieces:
every genuine comment on a post from the calendar month will be eligible to receive the prize. I’m going to stick to my own time zone and call it at 23:59:59 Australian Eastern Standard Time – best to comment often and comment early!
- if my super scientific randomizer comment selector system chooses an Anonymous comment, I’ll skip it and go again – you need to leave a name, a link, your AFB Forum username or email addy so that I can contact you if you are the winner. Blogger comments allows you to do this, as long as your profile is not set to private – check your settings.
- you will be given a choice of one of the two figures on offer from the month’s contest – figures will be in their original packaging.
- figures will be sent by first class mail within the US (Mike is sending them, remember) and first class international to any overseas winner. An overseas winner can elect to chip in for Priority Mail or Insurance, but otherwise we can’t take any responsibility for a parcel that doesn’t arrive – after all this is coming out of AFB’s not dreadfully deep pockets!

Until next time!
Awesome! Congrats to the good Sir on his win. : )
Jade. Must have Jade.
Also, congrats to SirDragonBane
Thanks guys! If not for Scott messaging me on Facebook, I wouldn't have realized until it was too late.
So Scott, not only do you have a great site here but you're also responsible contest-runners! Thanks! ;P
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